Taken place

  • Baptist, Vincent: 27 August 2022, presentation „Plezier kruipt waar het niet gaan kan: Een nieuwe kijk op drie beruchte Rotterdamse amusementsbuurten“, Historians’ Days, Rotterdam.
  • Baptist, Vincent: 21 January 2021, „Criminal or Cosmopolitan: Discourses of Safety on Rotterdam’s Interbellum Pleasurescape in Municipal and Audiovisual Sources“, Cultural Perceptions of Safety Conference, Utrecht.
  • Baptist, Vincent: 9 July 2020, „Researching Port Cities’ Historical Entertainment Culture: Reflecting on Hedonism and Heterotopia in Times of Corona“, History @ Erasmus Meeting, online.
  • Caminha, Melissa: June 2022, „The queer pleasurescapes of Barcelona at the turn of the 20th century: Remembering performances of transgression at the popular culture of the Paral·lel Avenue and the Fifth District“, communication in the 11th European Feminist Research Conference, Milan, Italy.
  • Caminha, Melissa: March 2022, „Pleasurescapes: How freak, queer, monstrous and circus performances helped shape Popular Culture in the turn of the 20th century in Barcelona“, communication in the Doctoral Seminar of the coloque „Images and imaginaries of circus“, University of Rouen, France.
  • Just, Alina: 26 November 2021, „Behind the stage: Aims, agendas, and affiliations of independent theatre and cabaret entrepreneurs in Hamburg St. Pauli, 1880s-1930s“, „Stadt nach Acht“ conference, Berlin.
  • Kosok, Lisa: 26 November 2021, „Exploring the history of popular pleasures in port cities: The international HERA-project ‚Pleasurescapes. Port Cities‘ Transnational Forces of Integration‘ „, „Stadt nach Acht“ conference, Berlin.
  • Kosok, Lisa / Laar, Paul van de / et al: 16 March 2021, „Pleasure in Crisis? Resilience of public entertainment and festivity in the past and present“, webinar, hosted by HERA. URL: https://heranet.info/2021/03/18/3401/.
  • Reimann, Christina: 8–11 August 2022, „The world on scene in Gothenburg: Exoticizing and ‘folklig’ entertainment and the emergence of the industrial welfare city“, Nordiska Historikermöte, Gothenburg.
  • Reimann, Christina: 19 April 2022, „‚Fahrendes Volk‘, deviantes Vergnügen und der städtische Modernediskurs in Göteborg um 1900“, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin.
  • Reimann, Christina: 19 October 2021, „A port city’s Pleasurescape: Gothenburg’s amusement culture and the city’s entry into modernity (1880-1925)“, Modern History Seminar at Stockholm University.
  • Reimann, Christina: 5 October 2021, „Deviantes Vergnügen. Binnen- und Transmigration in Göteborgs Hafen- und Vergnügungsviertel“ / „Deviant Pleasure. Internal and transmigration in Gothenburg’s harbour and pleasure district“, 53rd German Historikertag, Munich.
  • Reimann, Christina: 25 March 2021, „Gothenburg’s amusement culture and the port city’s borderlands“, ESSHC Conference, Leiden, online.
  • Van de Laar, Paul / Baptist, Vincent: May 2022, presentation „The New Waterfront, a Space of Gentrified Narratives: The Case of Rotterdam“, Waterfront Heritage and Waterfront Renewal Conference, Malmö.
  • Vidiella-Pagès, Judit: 14-15 October 2021, „Canales e infraestructuras de comunicación en el espiritismo“, International Seminar Art of Visionary Women, Barcelona.