29 September – 1 October 2021: 6th Pleasurescapes-workshop in Gothenburg at Göteborgs Stadsmuseum & Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för historiska studier (workshop programme).
15 June 2021: 5th Pleasurescapes-workshop, digital.
16 March 2021: Webinar „Pleasure in Crisis? Resilience of public entertainment and festivity in the past and present“, online.
28 January 2021: 4th Pleasurescapes-workshop, digital.
29 October 2020: 3rd Pleasurescapes-workshop in Barcelona, digital meeting.
5-7 February 2020: 2nd Pleasurescapes-workshop in Rotterdam at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Museum Rotterdam (workshop programme).
10-12 October 2019: Meeting of the European City History Museums and Research Network in Barcelona at Museu d’Història de Barcelona.
11-12 September 2019: HERA JRP Uses of the Past & Public Spaces Conference in Gdansk.
22-25 May 2019: 1st Pleasurescapes-workshop in Hamburg at HafenCity University, St. Pauli Archive and Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte.