Jordi Duran Roldós

Jordi Duran Roldós has a Degree in Catalan Philology (University of Girona) and in Hispanic Philology (University of Girona), as well as a Master’s Degree in Inclusive Education (University of Lleida, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia and University of the Balearic Islands). He has also studied artistic direction and playwriting and the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona (ESAD). Since 2008 he has been responsible for the artistic project Dimitri Ialta. As a cultural manager, he has been the artistic Director of FiraTàrrega Festival (2011 – 2018) and the co-director of the Master’s Degree in street arts creation by the University of Lleida and FiraTàrrega (2013-2017). As a professor and a researcher he collaborated with the Master’s Degree in Cultural Management of the International University of Catalonia (2010 – 2017). Currently, he is a professor at the Degree in Performing Arts at the ERAM (University of Girona) and, within the Pleasurescapes-project, a PhD student at Universitat de Barcelona (UB) – Faculty of Fine Arts (Arts & Education programme).

Picture’s copyright is by Martí Berenguer