Aurelio is an adjunct member at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. His doctoral dissertation, titled "Aesthetics of the Audiovisual Screening. Assembly, Fiction and Right to the City in Poble Sec, Barcelona", explores the crossroad formed by filmic and audiovisual practices, urban space, pedagogies and social movements in the Poble Sec neighbourhood. It involved a poststructuralist, actor-network theory and new materialist approach, and has been published in journals such as Ethnography and Education and Artnodes. In the Pleasurescapes-project, Aurelio investigates the cultural practices in Montjuïc Hill, which flanks the Parallel Avenue and the port of Barcelona, from the 19th century to 1939. He especially considers the role that infrastructures have had to shape the sensitive variables of this urban space and how their evolution - from popular fonts to pavilions and new gardens - put different regimes of pleasure at stake.