Dr. Eduard Molner Closas

Eduard holds a PhD in History and Degrees in Geography and Contemporary History from the University of Barcelona. He is also a postgraduate of cultural management (Pompeu Fabra University). Together with Xavier Albertí, he was the commissioner of the exhibition Paral·lel 1894-1939 at Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, seen November 2012 to February 2013. He has participated in editorial projects of Enciclopedia Catalana and the Ramon Llull Institute and published in the Arts supplement of La Vanguardia and the magazines Pausa, Hamlet, Avenç, BCN Metropolis, Serra d’Or, Altair and the newspaper Avui. He is the author of the book „Sala Beckett 20 years“ (2009) and co-author of the book „Carrer i escenari El Paral·lel 1892-1939“ (2012). Besides, Eduard has produced two editions of the Festival de Músiques Contmeporànies and has created programmes for theatres and theates festivals, among them Teatre Lliure, Grec Festival, Firatàrrega, Temporada Alta and the Institut del Teatre.