
  • Baptist, Vincent: „Nostalgia for Urban Vices: Cultural Reminiscences of a Demolished Port City Pleasure Neighborhood“. Journal of Urban History. June 2022. DOI: [Written in English].
  • Castro-Varela, Aurelio: „‚Infrastructuring‘ Pleasure: Montjuïc Before and After the Lights of the 1929 Barcelona International“. Journal of Urban History. May 2022. DOI: [Written in English].
  • Castro-Varela, Aurelio: „The Collective Body of Filmic Pedagogies. An Ethnographic Approach to ‚Vitality Affects.'“ Tercio creciente, 15, 2019, 21-34. DOI: [Written in Spanish].
  • Castro-Varela, Aurelio / Onses, Judit: „Research on education as displacement: not knowing, opening up, becoming“, in: Educatio Siglo XXI, 37(2), 2019, 141-158. DOI: [Written in Spanish].
  • Castro-Varela, Aurelio: „Going Researcher“ in the Occupy Poble Sec Cinema Forum. Ethnography and Education Journal, 13(3), 2018, 396-412.
  • de Laar, Paul van / Baptist, Vincent: „Pleasurescapes.“ Bloomsbury History Theory and Method. London: Bloomsbury, 2022. Bloomsbury History Theory and Method. Web. 27 Apr. 2022. URL:
  • Franke, Paul: „‚Nobody Came to Monte Carlo To Be Bored‘: The Scripting of the Monte Carlo Pleasurescape 1880-1940“. Journal of Urban History. May 2022. DOI: [Written in English].
  • Gottstein, Laurenz / Scholz, Jacob: „Heiligengeistfeld. Urbaner Freiraum in Zeiten pandemiekonformen Vergnügens“ („An urban open space in times of pandemic-compliant pleasure“). Film, 2020, 14:18 min., Hamburg. URL: [German audio, English subtitles].
  • Hamiloğlu, Ceren: „Modernity and Leisure: The Construction of Florya Beach in Istanbul (1935-1960)“. Journal of Urban History. May 2022. DOI: [Written in English].
  • Just, Alina: „Forgotten Fun: Recollecting the Working-Class Pleasurescape of Hamburg’s East End, 1880s-1950s“. Journal of Urban History. May 2022. DOI: [Written in English].
  • Just, Alina: Book review of „Diskotheken im ländlichen Raum. Populäre Orte des Vergnügens in Südwestdeutschland (1970-1995)“ by Michael Fischer, in: H/Soz/Kult, Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 7 January 2022. URL: [Written in German].
  • Just, Alina: „Haase, Hugo“, in: Kopitzsch, Franklin / Brietzke, Dirk (Eds): Hamburgische Biografie. Personenlexikon, Vol. 7, Göttingen, 2020, 124-126.
  • Just, Alina: Book review of „‚Der schwerste Radfahrer der Welt!‘ Emil Naucke und die Unterhaltungskultur im späten 19. Jahrhundert“ by Lars Amenda, in: Zeitschrift des Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte (ZHG), 267-269 [Written in German].
  • Just, Alina: „Freiraum, Volksfest, Stadtmarke. Der Hamburger Dom als Brennglas sozialer Zugehörigkeiten und politischer Inszenierungen“, in: Moderne Stadtgeschichte, 2019.2, 59-71.
  • Kosok, Lisa: „Pleasurescapes on the Edge: Performing Modernity on Urban Waterfronts (1880–1960)“. Journal of Urban History. May 2022. DOI: [Written in English].
  • Lima Caminha, Melissa / Vidiella Pagés, Judit: „Palhaças mulheres e mulheres palhaço: o travestismo na palhaçaria“. Visualidades – Revista do Programa de Mestrado em Cultura Visual 15(2017), No. 1, 143-170. DOI: [Written in Spanish].
  • Reimann, Christina: „Amusement Leaves the Port: Pleasure Institutions and the Reshaping of Gothenburg’s Material and Nonmaterial Borders, 1860s-1923“. Journal of Urban History. May 2022. DOI: [Written in English].
  • Reimann, Christina: „‚Behaviour and Morality have Remained Irreproachable, and his Commercial Reputation is Good.‘ Applying for Naturalisation in Late-Nineteenth-Century Rotterdam and Antwerp“, BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review 136 (3), 2021, 3–30.  
  • Reimann, Christina: „Die Anfänge des Sozialstaates vom Rande aus betrachtet. Soziale Sicherheit in den Hafenstädten Antwerpen und Rotterdam um 1900“, in: Bischoff et al. (Eds): „‚Mit Belgien ist das so eine Sache…‘. Resultate und Perspektiven der Historischen Belgienforschung“, Munster / New York, 2021, 159-170.
  • Reimann, Christina: „People on Lists in Port Cities: Administrative Migration Control in Antwerp and Rotterdam (c. 1880–1914)“, in: Journal of Migration History 6 (2020), 182-208.
  • Reimann, Christina / Öhman, Martin (Eds): „Migrants and the Making of the Urban Maritime World“, Routledge Advances in Urban History, New York, London, 2020.
  • Reimann, Christina / Öhman, Martin: Introduction, in: Reimann, Christina / Öhman, Martin (Eds): Migrants and the Making of the Urban Maritime World, Routledge Advances in Urban History, New York, London, 2020.
  • Robel, Yvonne / Just, Alina: „Stadt und Vergnügen: Einführung“, in: Moderne Stadtgeschichte, 2019.2, 5-14.
  • Sennema, Hilde / Baptist, Vincent / Dai, Tianchen / Gan, Yingying / van Mil, Yvonne / van den Brink, Thomas / Hein, Carola: „The Maritime Mindset: A Conceptual and Practical Exploration of Mapping Port Cities“, in: „Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets, Part 2: Studying and Shaping Cultures in Port City Territories“, European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, Vol. 4, No. 2. 27 December 2021. URL: [Written in English].

Taken place:

  • 6–8 April 2022: 7th Pleasurescapes-workshop, Barcelona.
  • 29 September – 1 October 2021: 6th Pleasurescapes-workshop in Gothenburg at Göteborgs Stadsmuseum & Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för historiska studier (workshop programme).
  • 15 June 2021: 5th Pleasurescapes-workshop, digital.
  • 16 March 2021: Webinar „Pleasure in Crisis? Resilience of public entertainment and festivity in the past and present“, online.
  • 28 January 2021: 4th Pleasurescapes-workshop, digital.
  • 29 October 2020: 3rd Pleasurescapes-workshop in Barcelona, digital meeting.
  • 5-7 February 2020: 2nd Pleasurescapes-workshop in Rotterdam at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Museum Rotterdam (workshop programme).
  • 10-12 October 2019: Meeting of the European City History Museums and Research Network in Barcelona at Museu d’Història de Barcelona.
  • 11-12 September 2019: HERA JRP Uses of the Past & Public Spaces Conference in Gdansk.
  • 22-25 May 2019: 1st Pleasurescapes-workshop in Hamburg at HafenCity University, St. Pauli Archive and Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte.

Pleasurescapes on display

As outcome of the Pleasurescapes-project, we are producing a touring exhibition. It is going to be launched in 2023, and successively hosted by Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, Museum Rotterdam, Museu d’Història de Barcelona, Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet Göteborg and Museu de Lisboa. The exhibition is going to be accompanied by an international exhibition magazine and a theatre production.

On this site, we are keeping you updated on the progress of our concept and the exhibition’s tour dates.

Sources of pleasure

Material sources spread over a wide range of archives, museums and private collections. For our subject of pleasure culture in port cities, we gather and organise knowledge on this fragmented transnational heritage. Subsequently, we are going to feed this information into a web-based database, which will first serve us as a working tool for creating the Pleasurescapes-exhibition. Afterwards, we will publish key parts of the database to make our research sutainable and accessible for other scholars and curators.

Individual research

Throughout the Pleasurescapes-project, we conduct several empirical case studies. They focus on our four partner cities Hamburg, Rotterdam, Barcelona and Gothenburg.

Find out more about our Barcelona-case studies conducted by Marc Geli, Aurelio Castro-Varela, Judit Vidiella Pagés and Eduard Molner.

Find out more about our case study on Gothenburg conducted by Christina Reimann and Heiko Droste.

Find out more about our case study on Hamburg conducted by Alina Just and Lisa Kosok.

Find out more about our case study on Rotterdam conducted by Vincent Baptist and Paul van de Laar.



Moderne Stadtgeschichte

pleasurescapes-researcher Alina Just has published a new article on the history of Hamburg’s state fair in the journal “Moderne Stadtgeschichte”. Together with Yvonne Robel from Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte in Hamburg (FZH) she has edited the latest issue of “Moderne Stadtgeschichte” that deals with public entertainment in cities in the long 20th century.